If you’ve arrived at this article, it’s likely that you’re looking for some great intermediate workout routines for six pack abs.
Well, as you can see, this page is for those who are ready to step up their game. If you’re already familiar with the basics on how to get six pack abs, then this article is for you.
If that’s NOT you, but you’re still looking for a great abs workout routine for beginners, then CHECK OUT THIS ARTICLE.
Now, moving on.
We’re bringing you advice from some of the top influencers in the fitness space, such as Tony Horton, Kayla Itsines, the team at DirectlyFitness.com, and Labrada.com.
We don’t like to waste time. So, let’s go ahead and jump into how you can level up and absolutely crush it in your quest for six pack abs.
Watch the following video and do what Tony tells you! Go! Go Now!
Extreme Six Pack Abs Workout—Accelerated Series
Advance to Intermediate Workout Routines for Six Pack Abs with These Tips
Now, if you’re not familiar with Tony Horton and why you should listen to him, listen up! The man is known as an American personal trainer, author, and former actor. He is best known as the creator of the commercial home exercise regimen P90X. You can check out the full Wiki article on him by CLICKING HERE.
Now that you know why you should listen to him, let’s take a look at these tips for intermediate workout routines for six pack abs.
“An abs routine that’s starting to feel stale, or has leveled off your development, means it’s time to look ahead. How to get abs you’ll be proud to show off, when you’re not quite ready to take on an advanced abs workout? In addition to your ab workout DVDs, here are some handy notes to consider for those who are ready to push past their beginner’s core workout.
Abdominal exercises, like cardio and strength training, need to be thought of in stages. One thing about intermediate ab routines: Building abs isn’t all about more, more, more. How to get abs past that beginning stage of development doesn’t just mean adding more reps. The best ab workout DVDs will tell you that this isn’t the best way. And, for pushing your abdominal exercises ahead, just piling on the reps might, in fact, lead to a new injury or some pain you shouldn’t be experiencing.
For pushing ahead your abs routine, try alternating your abs exercises, instead of just hitting more, more, more of the same workouts. One organization that knows how to get abs is the American College of Sports Medicine® (ACSM), which suggests alternating ab work, from say, isometric-style abs exercises with traditional, crunch-style abs workouts: “This will keep the routine from becoming too boring.” (ACSM Fit Society® Page).”
For the full article, click on the image above, or CLICK HERE.
The next round of advice (and great examples) are from Kayla Itsines. She’s an Australian personal trainer, author, and entrepreneur. Ladies … this one is for you.
20 Minute Intermediate Workout Routine for Six Pack Abs
Note: There’s something before we go on that we feel everyone ought to understand. The following comes from Labrada.com, and we agree with this bit of advice on how to get abs completely.
In Order To Get Abs, You Need To Decrease Your Body Fat Percentage.
“There are no “if’s” or “but’s” about this. Too much body fat and you won’t be able to see you abs. In order for men to start seeing some of their abs they need to be at 10% or below. Women, on the other hands, start to see lines at 13% since women typically store body fat in other areas such as the hips and glutes.
In order to lower body fat, a good and balanced nutrition program consisting of 40% carbs, 40% proteins and 20% fats presents a good starting point. This is in conjunction with some cardiovascular exercise. It’s also in connection with a good periodized weight training routine. It should exercise your whole body and include abdominal work.”
Next comes a routine from the team at DirectlyFitness.com.
Intermediate Workout Routines for Six Pack Abs: Training Principles
“Here are a few explanations on types of training involved in this program along with how the program will run:
Interval cardio training: This style of cardiovascular activity involves continuous moderate exercise. It’s then followed by intermittent short burst of high intensity cardio exercise. You can use any form of cardio as long as you can operate at a sub maximal effort with burst of high intensity every few minutes.
Examples of interval training methods include: running, biking, elliptical machines, swimming, rowing, or any type of cardio machine.
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Here is An Example for this Intermediate Workout Routine for Six Pack Abs that You Will be Applying
Total exercise time: 15-20 minutes
- 5 minute warm-up, low intensity
• Then cycle the following:
• 1 minute exercise, high intensity
• 2 minutes exercise, low-moderate intensity
• Repeat this until 5 minutes from time completion
• Finish last 5 minutes with low intensity cool down
(25 minutes INCLUDES the 10 min combined warm up/cool down)
Cardio training will be done AFTER the circuit ab sessions when combined.
Circuit Ab Training: This type of training involves continuous activity from one type of exercise to the next. It’s typically done with varying body parts. In this program it will be applied to only the core but split up between abdominals, obliques, and lower back.
You will perform 5-8 exercises in sequence with little rest. You should take no more than 10-15 seconds of rest between exercises and progress to taking no rest breaks eventually.
Each exercise will be done for 25 reps and the cycle will be repeated twice. This will involve many reps. It’s not meant to be near perfected your first time through. Start at 15 or even 10 reps each exercise if needed until your endurance and strength improves.
Weight Training Abs: This will be the heavy lifting portion of the program designed to increase the size of your abdominals which is necessary for increasing tone. Think of it this way, you will be losing weight (fat) AND building muscle so abs will “develop” or appear twice as fast.
Perform 8-12 reps and 3 sets each. For those of you out there who have a “fear” of overdeveloping your abdominals, don’t worry. It takes much dedication, time, and effort to create abdominals as those seen in bodybuilding mags. With patience through this program however, you will notice a big change in your abdominal appearance.
Engage: As a quick side note, you MUST engage your abdominals during these exercises. Don’t simply move through the exercises. Anybody can do that. What will separate you from the rest is contracting and feeling your abs work and burn. It may be uncomfortable but the payoff will be big!”
Finally, guys and gals, if you believe you found value in this article, take a moment and share on Facebook or Pinterest because we’d appreciate it! Remember you can always contact us with your questions at:
answers (AT) fitnessxtremes DOT org.